Month                     Day               Date      Time            Work




January   ........... Wednesday    25th   at   6.45pm        2nd Degree Demo


February   ..........Wednesday     22rd   at  6.45pm         Elections and 3rd Degree Tracing Board


March      .......... Wednesday     22rd  at   5.30pm         Installation 


April       ..........   Wednesday    26th   at  6.45pm         1st Degree Ceremony with candidate


May       ..........   Wednesday    24th   at  6.45pm          1st Degree Ceremony with candidate


June      ...........  Wednesday    22th   at  6.45pm          Talk.


July & August        Recess     


September......   Wednesday       27th  at  6.45pm         Double 2nd Degree


October ........    Wednesday      25th  at  6.45pm          1st Degree


November......   Wednesday       22nd  at  6.45pm         3rd Degree 


December......    Lodge Social Contact fro Details